Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Werewolves of London (day 14)

Since I've had my kids, my facial hair has kicked it up a notch and looks remarkably similar to the above.  I've always been a hairy kind of gal, and have long been thankful for being blessed with having light hair.  It has gotten to a point, however, where I cannot bear to look at myself in the mirror in the car as this is the cruelest, most unforgiving mirror.  Incidentally, it is the best mirror for tweezing eyebrows, which I can be found doing at stoplights all the way to work.  Anyway, in the vein of looking sharp for imaginary upcoming interviews, I waxed my face this weekend.  It was not the first time, but it may be the last.  What I really needed to do was dip my whole face in the wax, but since that wasn't a possibility, I just stuck to important areas ~ you know, goatee, beard, eyebrows.  Since my waxing expedition, my face has now broken out and the above mentioned areas are not only shiny with hairlessness, but highlighted with red skin and unsightly bumps.  Sexy and I know it.  I look quite a bit what I imagine an Italian grandmother who is going through puberty looks like.  I'm considering the following to take care of unwanted hair in future.
Next step to prepare for imaginary interviews is purchase of support hose and nurse shoes to go with interview suit.

There's a Man in the Mirror Stats:
Food: Almonds, bean salad, cheese, pasta, ridonculous amount of iced coffee
Movement: Spent the entire day literally racing up and down stairs and hallways delivering state tests, shuttling children around, retrieving state tests.  Also, spent about 1/2 hour chasing toddler lovely around tae kwan do studio while waiting for his siblings to finish their classes. 

1 comment:

  1. Holy Crap! LOLOLOLOLOL! Thanks for telling it like it is............. :)
