Tuesday, March 13, 2012

My grandma, what big panties you have...(day 21)

It's hard for me to admit, but I must confess that I'm having a serious underwear problem of late.  This past Christmas, my dear mother was kind enough to buy me some underwear; actually she buys me new underwear every Christmas, as if I was a child and not a grown woman in her late thirties.  It is not something I mind, in fact I look forward to my new underwear each year.  If she didn't buy me new undies each year, my designated pantie draw would be filled with maternity underwear and twenty year old panties with bad elastic ~ actually they're in there anyway.  The problem is that this past year, the new undies were too big.  They're all boy shorts and very cute, but about two sizes too large.  Instead of trading them in, I figured a run through the dryer would take care of my large pantie issue.  No dice.  So I decided to just wear them figuring that large underwear would both boost my ego and keep me warm.  The thing is due to largess,  they are either creeping up or down all damn day.  Wayward underwear are proving a major distraction throughout my day, and I may have to reconsider getting a smaller size.
The past few weeks have been so busy, what with bra wearing and underwear creeping, that I barely noticed that I'm half way through my forty days.  My twenty-one day challenge ends officially tomorrow, but I think I'm going to keep going.  I want to make up for my Kashi bar eating, I feel good, and I am hardly missing the items on the list.  I am going to give myself a break on Saturday for St. Pat's, however.  While I find corned beef to be loathsome, I really rather enjoy a loaf of Irish soda bread.

Granny day stats:
Food: Hard boiled egg white, hummus, crackers, carrots, Dubliner cheese, carrots, scrambled egg sandwich with cheese and tomato.
Movement: Inconspicuously removing underpants from around my knees while wearing jeans, running around large school building, chasing newly bathed toddler around and wrestling him to the ground to apply lotions and diaper

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