Friday, March 2, 2012

Pain in the arse (day 9)

When it comes to eating and food, I'm a real pain in the ass.  More so than my children & I try very hard not to show them how annoyingly picky I am; what a refuser eater I actually am.  My eating habits left my parents frustrated and confused. My mother often wondered why I couldn't eat the last bit of my meal, especially if I'd smelled it.  My husband, thankfully, is a go with the flow kind of guy, and doesn't give me a hard time about my likes and dislikes most of the time.  Below, are some of the things I especially dislike & my paltry reasons for disliking things beloved by many.

 I really dislike duck in all its various forms.  It's greasy and has tiny little bones.  I only like big bones.
I didn't always have a problem with mayonaisse.  I never liked a lot of mayo, but when I was in college, I worked in a bowling alley where I got to say things like 'ball stuck, lane 10' which is a fun thing to say regardless of location or vocation.  At the bowling alley, there was a snack bar, and at the snack bar there was a tub of mayo that sat out all day and the edges were yellowed and crunchy looking.  I'm throwing up in my mouth just thinking about it.
Hot dogs are one of my longest running dislikes.  I gag at the very smell of them.  Of course, my children love these filthy 'meat' tubes.  I got violently ill on them as a child (proving that I must have liked them at some point), and haven't been able to get past this in thirty years.  My husband also got violently ill after eating hot dogs as a child, so in this we are simpatico.

Once, when I was very small, my mother's friend tried to feed my liver and onions for dinner.  I refused to eat it, and she refused to let me leave her dining table until I'd had one bite.  I took one bite and tucked it in my cheek, never chewing it, or swallowing it.  For hours.  The smell of the incense they shake around at mass has always reminded me of liver and onions.  This may, or may not, play a large role in my lack of attendance at mass for much of my adult life. 

None of the above play a role in my lenten, or 21 day prohibitions.  If they were, lent would be a breeze for me.  As it stands, I'll continue to try to stay away from Kashi bars and jolly ranchers ~ I've a good run so far.

Non-Maundy Thursday stats:
Food:  Almonds and dates, iced-coffee, greek salad, grapes, kung-pao shrimp (no rice), crab cheese wonton, 2 tbsp. of Nyquil.  It should be noted that there was cake at work (at 3 p.m.) today and that I abstained.  It was good cake too ~ chantilly lace cake from Whole Foods, which if you've never had, I urge you to do so. 
Movement: Walk, walk, walk, around school building, chase toddler around entire 3rd floor of doctor's office, brow-beating my son into finishing his homework.

1 comment:

  1. You're KILLING me with the hot dogs Kel, BUT to each his own. I totally understand that it is a grossly filled meat tube. If it is in fact meat at all? BUT, never the less I absolutely love them! Never met a dog I didn't like! :) But hell, thats just me!
    Anyhow, KUDOS! Keep up the good work!
