Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Ashes to ashes, we all fall down...

Just like my New Year's resolutions, I prefer my lenten sacrifices to be valueless and lacking creedence.  This is a self-created system that works well for me because it allows me to have very little care regarding my success levels in attaining stated goals.  I usually try to avoid imposing restrictions that highlight what a lazy ass I actually am.  Examples of what I've considered giving up this year are included, but not limited to the following:

1. Pretending not to watch Jersey Shore
2. Almond Milk
3. My stock in Collecovision
4. My 8-track collection
5. Not calling people vaginas in work meetings

This year, however, I feel a little differently.  I've had a couple of epiphanies ~ although I'm not quite sure if non-practicing Catholics are allowed even one epiphany, never mind multiple epiphanies in a short period of time.  Whatever.  In one short week: I was written out of the budget at my job, got poked in the eye (really hard), had to witness my neighbor sob over his dog eating his cat, and stabbed myself in the hand (a lot of bleeding).  These events, if standing alone, might give one pause; combined together, they made me realize I might need to change things up a little.  SO, I'm going to give myself forty days to see what I can do.  I've already decided to give up meat (and by meat I mean...), which truthfully isn't terribly difficult for me as I prefer to eat vegetables over the flesh of other mammals.  And, I'm going to try this no-junk food 21 day challenge thing with my best friend.  21 days is less than 1/2 of lent, so please don't confuse me with someone who has suddenly become instilled with piety and other virtuous characteristics. 

My starting a new blog about these forty days is my attempt to keep myself on track ~ what track I'm on, one can hardly know at this point.  However, I find if I say things out loud, to other people, then I'm more likely to follow through.  Join me in my lack of self-indulgence.  Not to worry, I will not be giving up any of the following:

1. Vodka
2. Wine
3. Cheese
4. Using f*$k frequently in casual conversation
5. Watching re-runs of sitcoms that were popular in the 1990s

Fat Tuesday Stats:
Food: Chicken enchilada (40 days starts tomorrow wise asses), twizzlers, hummus, aspargus, fontina cheese, crackers, dates, dry salami, a bit of brownie left on my son's plate, and one vicodin.
Movement: Sitting in blue recliner, in a robe, in my husbands slippers, using a heating pad just because it feels good.

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