Sunday, February 26, 2012

Sea creatures and birds (day 5)

After removing peppermint tic tacs from the baby's nose twice before 10 a.m., the day was fairly uneventful.  While I could see putting a foreign object up your nose once, I'm not sure what possessed him to place the tic tac up there the second time.  Thankfully, medical intervention proved unnecessary as my dear cherub is a fan of blowing his nose, or at least pretending to.  His intimate knowledge of nose blowing allowed me to hold one nostril shut while he forced air and tainted candy out the other side.  It was touch and go for a minute that second time around, but extraction was successful and I can only hope this is the last of this type of activity for a while.  
Reading back over the past few days of blogs, I recognize that my days are filled, nearly to the brim, with odd goings-on.  I'm going to do a root-cause analysis and see what I come up with, there will be an action plan put into place geared toward allowing me to give others the perception that I'm not just flying blind.  Yeah, f*&K that, I'm not gonna do anything of the sort.  

Sunday stats:
Food:  Iced coffee, scrambled egg and cheese sandwich, Kashi Mocha/Almond granola bar, black bean, peppers&onions, green chile burritos with avocado, handful of blueberry craisins.
Movement:  Eight loads of laundry, bathroom cleaning, nose candy extraction, lying on couch in prone position.


  1. First let me say I am glad you are getting the iced coffee in. VERY IMPORTANT! Noticed the yummy frappe from yesterday! :)
    When dealing with a nose stuffing Tic Tac toddler, being caffinated and on your game can be most helpful!

  2. Please dont mention "root cause analysis" again.
