Thursday, February 23, 2012

Divide the waters (day two)

The day began with light coming after dark and me being genuinely shocked by the amount of snow on the ground, my car and consequently in my boots.  Unable to find any of the shovels we own, I used a broom to clear off the car and foolishly tried to defy the nature of snow on a steep incline.  I thought I could rocket my little Saturn straight out of the driveway using sheer willpower and a heavy foot.  I can't say for sure if I over or under thought the whole endeavor, but the end result was me being stuck at the bottom of my own driveway for over 30 minutes.  My oldest child was kind enough to offer backseat driving tips while I worked up a sweat from literally rocking in the drivers seat in the hopes of dislodging my cars wheels from the mess underneath them.  I suspect I was on the way to accomplishing pushing my car from the inside, when a kindly stranger pushed my car from the outside for me and off we went.  No doubt, my exertions loosened the car enabling the stranger to so easily push me backwards.  Even though my socks just dried about an hour ago, the plus side of my day was that I got to wear my jaunty, navy blue, wool cap all day.  At least I had that going for me.

I made it through the day without a hitch in regards to consuming the flesh of other sentient beings, but was really craving something sweeeeet.  Because I feel that I screwed up by unthinkingly consuming a small amount of french fries yesterday, I was not about to screw up my second day one of the 21 day challenge.  Thankfully, I had a little container of dates I brought with me to work and so I pretended they were candy and ate them all before 10 a.m.  I'm thinking dates and craisins (the blueberry craisins are especially delicious) are going to get me a long way in terms of pretending things are candy.  The problem cropped back up at around 3 p.m. when I had an Elaine Benes like revelation that sweets are needed at this time of day.
I did not submit to eating stale cake, but had an apple and acted like I really enjoyed it.  I wonder if quitting little sweets throughout the day will be like quitting smoking.  Get through the first three days and you'll be home free ~ if not, maybe I can start smoking in my office.  I'm already considering sneaking alcohol into work through my stomach, so smoking won't be too much of a stretch.

Try again day stats:
Food: Two Kashi mocha/almond chewy granola bars, iced coffee, lentils, cheese, crackers, dates, one apple, garden burger, 1/4 of an avocado, broccoli
Movement: Moving snow laden full trash can out of driveway, mentally and physically trying to move my car (from the inside) out of the driveway, precariously walking on icy sidewalks in front of school, walking through 2nd floor hallway while watching students on inside recess day, chasing toddler, mopping up bathroom floor after aforementioned toddler's bath.

1 comment:

  1. Does it help that when I saw you eating those dates, at first I thought you were eating candy?
