Thursday, October 18, 2012

Open Letter...

Living in a swing state during an election cycle is an exhausting place to be.  Wading through half truths and unchecked 'facts' requires not only cognitive stamina, but also psychological strength - both things I am seriously lacking in.  It reminds me of shopping in the cereal aisle - too much propaganda, too many choices, too much sugar and very little humor. It's all good because in terms of all things political, I am finding myself fairly humorless - well except for some graphic cards that have been floating around the past few days.

Humorless.  Me?  I know it's hard to believe, but lately it feels like I have been shoveling snow during a blizzard while having to defend my reasons for having a shovel.  In the hopes of no longer feeling this way, I've decided to write an open letter to the folks who vehemently oppose President Obama.

Dear anti-Obamarites (yes I made that up, maybe?),
Hello fellow citizen of the world, hoping this message finds you well and in good spirits.  It has come to my attention that we have different ideas on this whole election cycle, political thing.  And you now what?  That's alright.  You're entitled to your beliefs, as I am to mine.  I think that's written down somewhere official, but it seems, to me, worth repeating.  That being said, I think it's important that you understand that while you are free to believe whatever you wish, you most certainly are not allowed to make value judgements on me, as a person, as a mother, as an educator, or as an American citizen based on my political opinions and/or leanings.

My ideas about  about certain things: like women's equality, accessible health care, social services, religion and how I raise my children come from a lifetime of experiences, education and observances.  They have never been dictated to me by someone else, in fact, I was highly encouraged by my parents to question everything; rest assured, I have come to my own conclusions.  While I grant that it might be comforting, in certain instances, to have someone hand me a list of ideologies to embrace, I have chosen to go down the more difficult road of coming to my own conclusions.

The path that Obama has chosen to take this country down is a path that aligns with my values; not burdening a struggling middle class (of which I am most certainly a member), allowing women to make decisions around their own bodies and health, equity in lifestyle choices, educating our society to be productive, contributing members of society, investing in sustainable, clean energy - these are all things I believe in.  And I'm sure, anti-Obamarites, that you have chosen Romney because he aligns with your system of beliefs, although I'll be honest and admit I'm not quite sure what those are.

So I ask of you: tread lightly when you lump me into categories, or label me, as I don't take too kindly to that.  Whether you think I'm a socialist or a bleeding heart liberal, or an educator who is only out for her own interests.  Yes, I've heard that a number of times lately where a simple thank you would've sufficed (you know, for taking care of your kids all day and attempting to help mold them into productive, contributing members of society).  I am so much more than these things.  If your attempts to label me continue, I will have no recourse but to label you.  As a racist, a greedy capitalist, a bible toting, gun-wielding troglodyte, and surely you are more than that?



  1. Oh, I'm so glad that we're both bleeding hearts. xoxo

    1. This BY FAR is one of the FREAKING BEST things I've read in a while!!! YOU ROCK MY FRIEND!!!! Feeling lonely and quite annoyed myself these days living in the state of bible beaters, gun fanatics, and yes your anti color- anti choice- anti sexual preference FREAKS!!!!!!
      Anyhow, LOVE this pick me up! ;)
      LOVE YOU, LOVE THIS!!!! LOVE, LOVE, LOVE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. I wear my bleeding heart like a badge of honor!
