Monday, November 26, 2012

Piss in boots

So I thought and thought about writing what I was most thankful for on Thanksgiving, and I had all kinds of ideas.  My beautiful healthy family, my friends (most of whom are like family), my health, a roof over my head, etc.  But then I threw up in my mouth a little because everything I was inclined to write was all schmaltzy and best written as a script for a Hallmark movie (new career perhaps?), and I didn't want to diminish my true and deep gratitude for all of those things.  I'll save that kind of schmaltz for when I'm three sheets to the wind in a 'I love you man' kind of way when my sentiments will be taken seriously and accepted as truth.
New sign for my boots?
Anyway, today I am thankful for having more than one pair of shoes (there's a proverb in there somewhere if you look close enough) as the toddler monkey peed on my brown boots.  I'll admit the onus is on me for leaving them dangerously close to the toilet in the bathroom, especially when there's a  two year old running around my house naked and who has, at best, poor aim.  He emptied his little bladder all over my boots, and the bathroom floor, but was kind enough to be a little freaked out about missing the toilet completely and to run and get the bleach wipes.
So, in actuality I am grateful for two things today: owning more than one pair of shoes & a considerate, toilet minded toddler.

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