Saturday, November 17, 2012

I was looking into the mirror, to see a little bit clearer...

Ah, a little over a week has passed since Election Day, and boy have the pithy animal pictures, and bowel movement postings come back in full force on Facebook.  I, too, finished a cycle; a forty day cycle.  One that was fraught with tension, and worry over the election, but also one that was filled with positivity and productivity.  Just as the 40 days was wrapping up, I managed to de-clutter the kids' rooms (again, sigh) and rid my home of ill fitting clothing and little pieces of little toys - damn you to hell legos.  Things are remaining organized - sort of - and clean - sort of,  and that makes me happy.  The next month will find me having the kids organize unused toys into discard and donate piles to ready for the big show at the end of December.

Also, it is 38 days until Christmas, and even though we're halfway through the month of November, I'd additionally like to spend the next 40 (38) days being grateful each and every day.  I know I'm behind the Facebookers, but I'm always behind and I'll continue to pretend not to let this bother me.  Also, I think gratitude should last through the entire holiday season as this next month and a half is chock full of impatience, stress and selfishness.
Today I'd like to express my thanks to all the stupid people out there in the world, sharing the air with us.  These mouth breathers unwittingly make the world a better place, in so many ways: they make the rest of us look better, they will say things many of us were thinking of saying, but kept to ourselves in fear of sounding stupid, they bring up invigorating discussions around the survival of the species and Darwinism, and most importantly, they show the rest of us how not to behave.  I'd like to give a special shout out to those in our midst who showed extraordinary stupidity this week:

a. The gal I work with who overuses air quotes accompanied by a fake smile.
b. The folks who have decided that due to an undesirable outcome on the election, their states should secede from the union.
c. The people involved in the Petraeus scandal.
d. The PapaJohns pizza corporation
e. Mitt Romney when explaining why his campaign failed.
So a hearty THANK YOU for all the idiots of the world.  True story.

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