Friday, March 2, 2012

Apropos of nothing... (day 10)

Twice this week I was asked if something was appropriate.  My answer both times was:  First of all, I'm not certain that I am a good measure of what is appropriate.  Secondly, I don't think just because something is inappropriate means is shouldn't be done.  With that very attitude, I decided to have a day off today.  It was a grand day, mental health wise, although one in which I spent a good deal of money.  My car needed some tinkering, and it turns out my vacuum cleaner needed a new clutch ~ did anyone else know that vacuums needed a clutch?  On the bright side, I got to both bring my son to school & pick him up from school.  I got two new dresses ~ I love that the clearance rack always has clothes for those whose top half is not unlike a prepubescent boy.  I got to spend the day with my hilarious daughter and made a new friend who goes by the name of Taco.  All in all, a good day.

Sick day stats:
Food:  Iced-coffee, cheese and pretzels, tilapia, roasted brussel sprouts with pecans, semolina, dates, 1/2 bottle of pinot grigio
Movement: Placing robust toddler atop toilet bowl again and again to foster a love of potty training, perusing of various department stores, petting of Taco (do with that what you will)

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