Monday, March 5, 2012

Another day in paradise (day 13)

Things we tried to feed my baby today:  Cheeseburger, yogurt (full of fat and flavor), garlic knots, pizza, blueberries, honey-nut cheerios, string-cheese
Things my baby ate today: Piece of popcorn off the floor, toothpaste ~ also used this to decorate his toes, pretzel of indeterminable age stuck in the side of his car seat
Things my baby said today: Shut-up, mine, ready, go, boot, boat, bark, meow ~ these last two he didn't officially 'say', rather he barked and meowed

I'm at a complete loss with this guy, but as evidenced by above picture, he is not suffering in the chub department, nor is he showing signs of lethargy; quite the opposite. In fact, he spends 3/4 of the day running with the remaining 1/4 of the day a mix between scaling walls and hiding in the pantry closet ~ perhaps he's eating in there, we don't ask because we wouldn't want to invade his privacy.
All told, it was a pretty great day.  There were a lot of laughs at work, over ridiculous circumstances, an astounding letter of recommendation from my assistant principal, and an over the top amazing report card from my oldest lovely.  Finding myself a step away from the two week mark of 21-day challenge, I feel great.  Not suffering from lack of chocolate or the occasional potato chip ~ this weekend I did confess to my husband that I wouldn't mind a snickers bar, but I didn't give in and the feeling passed quickly.

Case of the Mondays stats:
Food: Almonds, 40 oz. of iced-tea, olives with feta cheese, nut-thins crackers, hummus, dates, pizza with red onions, black olives and green peppers,
Movement: Brisk walking around school building to make sure that teachers are ready for state testing, hauling boxes in and out of closet, soaking up vitamin D at lunch recess, yelling at miscreants at same lunch recess, shooing toddler on a mission out of the bathroom

1 comment:

  1. I'm all too familiar with that diet. Why would items stuck to the side of the carseat ever be more appetizing than pizza? The world may never know...
