Friday, March 30, 2012

All the small things...(day 37)

It may or may not be apparent to you my darling readers, but food is not a high priority to me.  The only time this hasn't been true is the three times I was pregnant.  During those 27 months, I was all about food and really nothing else.
Controlling things, however, is a priority to me; ergo the 21 day challenge and meat free existence of the last month or so.  That being said, I had an enlightening conversation with my husband today over lunch.  As I heated up our zucchini souffles in the microwave, we talked about food being thought of as just fuel instead of a source of recreation.  He kindly pointed out that what I considered to be a meal, might better be categorized as a snack.
My souffle was done first and it smelled really, really good.  I should note that my husband has not subjected himself to any type of food abstinence, but he is a good sport and will give my vegetarian offerings a good ole college try.  Anyway, I got to eating the cylindrical excuse for food sitting in front of me, and let me just say it was surprising at the very least.  And by surprising, I mean utterly inedible.  It was crispy on the outside and like warm molten, corn flavored lava mush on the inside.  You ever have a souffle?  No?  Me neither, so I can't rightly say what possessed me to purchase these to begin with.  You ever eat bread pudding?  Yeah, you know with the cinnamon and sugar and raisins and sometimes peaches?  Yeah, me too.  It was kind of like that but without the cinnamon, sugar, raisins or any good taste. But you know, exactly like that.  It was filthy and no amount of salt, or hot sauce could make it right.  I gave eating this abomination a valiant try, my husband?  Not so much.  We then each had two bites of hummus and I told him there was some cheese in the fridge.  He claimed a bag of cheese does not a meal make and if I was thinking of food as fuel, I was just about to run out of gas.  Then he left me to my veggie pudding and no doubt dreamed of the woman he could have married.  You know, the one who at the very least provided some cold cuts for lunch.
Thursday stats:
Food: Apple, veggie straws, few courageous bites of veggie souffle, hummus, pizza, salad
Movement:  Swimming with the lovlies, chasing toddler around friends house, laundering

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