Monday, March 19, 2012

Celebrate good times...(day 27)

Instead of being completely bent out of shape that it was Monday, and that I spent the day testing children in small groups, and that I have yet to hear anything on the job search front, I decided to go another way today.
Things I'm celebrating today:
My girl lovely calling 'Speedy Gonzalez', Speedy the Mouse.
Avoiding useless meetings.
Making important decisions with my husband that we both feel good about.
Having TWO large iced-teas.
Washing all the bath mats.
Telling my oldest lovely to do his homework and having him do it without complaint.
Remembering to DVR 'How I Met Your Mother'
Cooking a meal for my children that they ALL ATE
The baby going to sleep without fuss.

Okay, so maybe not so much, but not too shabby for a Monday after all.

Rainy days and Mondays stats:
Food: Dried fruit, cashews, cheese, portabello mushroom pasta, sweet peppers, broccoli, avocado, piece of italian bread, granola bar
Movement: Walking around school building, hefting around moany toddler, wrestling toddler into p.j.'s a tad too small, cooking well received dinner for my lovelies

1 comment:

  1. OMG--all of those things happened on the same day?! I can't imagine a better chain of events. Nice work, Mama.
