Monday, March 12, 2012

Let's do the time warp again...(day 20)

The day started off splendidly: sunshine streaming through the window, toddler still sleeping soundly, feeling well rested, birds chirping; then I realized that it was an hour and a half past the time I was supposed to get up.  I'd like to blame it on Daylight Savings spring forward bullsh@*, but as it turns out, it was all on me.  Prior to going to bed, I checked all clocks and made sure they were set properly, except for the kitchen clock that hasn't been changed for the past few years ~ hey, it's correct for half the year.  Anyway, I also made sure to set my alarm, I just forgot to turn it on. Needless to say, we all were late for school, but managed to have a nice morning nonetheless and the day only went up from there.

The sun shone warmly all day, I received another lovely recommendation letter from a colleague, I got a new bathing suit (an activity which could potentially send me into a tailspin), bought snacks for lovely girl's pre-k class, and successfully got the lovelies fed; all this before the sun went down!  If you're wondering if I fed the kids frozen dinners with pictures of a dinosaur on them, the answer is a resounding yes ~ it's foooood!
Mundy stats:
Food: Three hard-boiled egg whites, assorted nuts and seeds, dried fruit, Dubliner cheese, crackers, hummus, salad, trail mix granola bar
Movement: Hauling boxes for round two of state testing, walking large school building, soaking up vitamin D at lunch recess, walking around department store, bathing toddler, talking incessantly

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