Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Call me, any anytime...(day 15)

After day two of crazed running about taking care of state testing needs of a school with over 700  students, I came home to find my home machine blinking madly away and decided to let those messages sit for a little longer than I already had (it'd been about a week).  When I finally got around to checking the hundredty messages, I discovered that one was from an actual person and the rest were hang-ups.  This caused me to check the caller i.d. to see who had been calling and tricking my digital voice service into believing they were going to leave a message.  If you haven't noticed, the home phone goes largely unused, and the handsets are largely missing or without power.  Damn you triple play bundling.  Anyway, to my surprise, all of the recent missed calls are from either ARC or Disabled American Veterans.  Approximately thirty calls from one or the other of these organizations, causing me to wonder what type of crisis situation (other than the obvious) they have reached that they are calling me incessantly to procure donations.  If their crazed calling is a sign that I am their last bastion of hope, these folks are seriously f$*ked. 

In other news, I am officially at the two week mark of 21 day challenge & all is going smoothly.  Due to the insanity of the past few days at work, I haven't had time to eat breakfast or lunch until about 2 p.m.  Needless to say, I was angry-hungry around 10 a.m. today.  This problem was solved by a quick dash to the local taqueria where I purchased an egg, potato and cheese burrito and had myself some blunch.  I would normally call it brunch, but there were no mimosas or bloody mary's to be had.
2/3 stats:
Food: Breakfast burrito, almonds, salad with black eyed peas, feta cheese and spinach, a few bites of pasta fagioli that the toddler was thoroughly enjoying, dates, more caffeinated drinks than should be humanly possible
Movement: Day 2 of racing around large school with state tests and reluctant children, laundering, sleeping in blue chair while my middle lovely watched Diego (those unsupervised nature-freak latinos are a total snoozefest)

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