Thursday, March 15, 2012

Peanutbutter Jelly Time (day 22)

One of my most loathsome daily tasks is making lunch for my children.  Actually, on a daily basis, I only make lunch for my oldest child as both of the little lovelies are home with their dad for lunchtime except for Fridays.  And I really loathe Friday's lunch needs.   When my oldest started school (5 f-ing years ago), I was so excited to get to make him lunch.  I took the task seriously and felt it was a privilege and a way to show my son how I loved him throughout our day apart.  What a wanker.   Now, every morning I stand in front of the fridge like a stoned teenager wondering what there is that I can throw together to feed this kid mid-day.  When I find nothing there, I go to the freezer, and then the closet quietly mumbling to myself.
 I know what you're thinking: how hard could it be to make lunch for one skinny, unassuming eight year old?  Well to anyone with that question, I implore you to shove it up your ass.  As it turns out, even the most unassuming child grows bored, sometimes from one day to the next, with their very favorite things.  What was deemed the best lunch ever yesterday, is considered poisonous today.  Currently included in the repertoire of acceptable lunches are: peanut butter and jelly sandwich, hard boiled eggs, hot 'n spicy cheez-its, and buffalo flavored soy chicken nuggets.  No wonder the kid grows weary.  Not to be found in his lunch of late are any of the following:
I'm thinking these parents have A LOT of time on their hands, and should be smacked upside the head for setting the bar too high.  If I've learned nothing else, set low expectations, so some day soon your child won't balk at eating this:

Low Achiever Stats:
Food: Tomatoes, string cheese, baked potato, honey-flax granola bar, bean salad
Movement: Running wildly about large school building, lunch-recess duty,


  1. All I have to say is AMEN.....

  2. wow. the elephant. really. Frankly, my kids wouldn't appreciate it anyway...

  3. I have hated making my own lunch for about, well, 34 years or so. The addition of having to make another person's lunch is way way way too much for me. Also? I have to pack either 1 or 2 snacks. I actually love those Bento blogs, but I, in no way, think they're real.
