Tuesday, March 27, 2012

I don't know nothing bout birthin' no babies...(days 34 & 35)

I began my formal education at the age of four and did not stop until I was thirty two.  Granted there was some time in between class sessions and what not, but basically I went to school for twenty eight years.  I have two bachelor degrees and a master's degree.  That's a whole lotta schooling, and yet I am reduced to idiocy on a daily basis due to the questions my children hurl at me from the time I wake up until the time I lay my large head and severely diminished ego down in my bed. Just like Prissy's character in Gone With The Wind, I must break down and confess continously throughout a day how very little I know. Unlike Prissy, birthin' babies is the least of the things I know so very little about.

"I don't know anything about eating fish eggs."  This was the recent answer to a question that came out of left field from my oldest lovely.  When he was smaller, I used to try and answer the f**kton of all the questions he could think up in his brilliant little mind.  I thought I was fostering a love of knowledge and broadening his horizons.  In actuality, I was encouraging him to keep the questions coming eventually wearing me down with the endless haranguing.  By the time he was five, I had to admit there was some shit I just didn't know.  I thought this would slow him down a bit, but it didn't.  Instead it has led his sister to also believe that I am somehow a source of useless information.  At this point I realize that I am overly educated walking buffoon and I have begun to believe he just asks me stuff to make sure that he's smarter than me.
Spring Break Stats:
Food: Greek pasta salad, hummus, cheese, crackers, dates, strawberries, olives, eggs, toast, granola bar, garden burger, cucumbers, dried pineapple
Movement: Unmaking and remaking all the beds, laundering, scrubbing bathroom walls, cleaning girl lovelies room (3 hour ordeal), chasing toddler around yard, walking to and from tae kwan do school

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