Friday, March 9, 2012

She had 9/10 pants and a very big bra...(day 16)

Some girls have a great rack and a great ass.  I am not one of these girls.  It's been my experience, mostly based on a keen observational eye, that girls who have both are not very attractive in other ways; like a buttaface: everything about her is attractive but her face.  On a good day I like to think that I have a good derriere, but I'm mostly thankful that it's situated in a place I can't see it unless I go out of my way.  I figure it's everybody else's problem, which is always a great rationalization for eating more cookies or cake when I'm feeling pms-y.

In terms of my rack, I'm more of a canardly kind of gal.  You know, can hardly see them.  I'm okay with this, and on super confident days I relish that I can wear a camisole/built in bra under my shirt instead of the dreaded brassiere.  Recently, it's been brought to my attention that as a grown up (actual quote was 'grown-ass woman), I should consider wearing a bra to more formal events.  I'm easing into this as one must crawl before they can walk.  I've been wearing an official bra to work some days, and have worn one to both of the funerals I've attended lately.  While not a fan of the bra, I'm considering actually visiting a store where they do measurements and tell you what you should get (baby steps).  Being a grown-ass woman is difficult work.
Thursday's Child Stats:
Food: Almonds, hummus, crackers, cheese, dates, pasta left over on my kids plates, COFFEE
Movement: Mad dashing around school building, recess duty, parking car far away from funeral home & walking, wrestling over zealous toddler at tae-kwan-do

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