Monday, February 27, 2012

Land Creatures, Man & Woman (day 6)

What my children are learning is that mealtimes are optional and snacks right before bedtime are not only acceptable, but advisable.  I don't know how I've gotten myself into this mess, other than admitting that I find it very difficult to get it up night after night in order to feed other people.  When they were babies, it was easy.  Some formula, some applesauce, a little flavorless, pasty cereal.  But now, they have opinions.  When I was a kid I wasn't allowed to have opinions.  Many a night was spent, by me, sitting alone at the kitchen table, choking down food my parents insisted I eat.  There were children starving in Africa and China, according to my parents, and I was not getting up from the table until I ate what was put in front of me.  My mother wasn't running a restaurant, you know.  Not wanting to impose these same tired diatribes on my own children, I have set my self up for failure. Adding to the problem is that fact that my husband works nights and I am left to fend for myself against three other humans, and various and sundry four legged creatures.  Actually, the lizard is the easiest guy to appease ~ throw a few crickets his way and he's a happy guy.   Tonight, after my son told me he didn't like the spaghetti (take-out from pizza place), I said 'ok, just go make a sandwich, or eat some yogurt, or something'.  Translation:  I don't give a shit what you eat at this point, just eat something and leave me out of it.

My food consumption was simplistic and non-offensive.  I am lucky to work with some friends who are food sharers.  This works out well for all of us, because there's always something around to pick on, especially when you've grown weary of the tub of hummus in the fridge that has your name on it.  If left alone, my dinner would probably consist of some oatmeal and some fruit ~ ah, the circle of life.
Blue Monday Stats:
Food: Nuts and raisins, BIG iced-tea, spinach, mushroom and yellow bell pepper quiche, a cutie (citrus fruit, not 'afternoon delight'), naan with olives and feta cheese, Kashi Mocha/Almond granola bar; incidentally, my friend at work pointed out that my daily Kashi bars are just a shade above a candy bar ~ she's right & I'm okay with that.
Movement:  Fighting massive wind storm while getting to and from work, and while doing outdoor lunch recess, hauling around state tests, boxing up same state tests, walking around school building without even appearing to have purpose

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