Saturday, February 25, 2012

Separate light from darkness...(day 4)

Today was a great day.  My kids participated in their Tae Kwan Do tournament, where my girl came in first place and my oldest came in second and third in his events.  I'm thinking placing in the top three ain't so bad for kids who have me as their mother!  Following big Korean martial art type activities, was a night at the races.  I want to be able to tell you that this was an evening at the horsetrack watching graceful, beautiful creatures run their hearts out, but truthfully it was a night at the Elks Lodge riding horses on a stick and vying for first place with physical prowess having nothing to do with it whatsoever.    It's so silly, that it's quite a lot of fun.  You get to be a jockey and someone rolls a die and decides how many spaces you get to move ahead, or not, with six lanes of horses going at a time.  I brought my kids, and my funny-as-hell brother and his girl were there, alongside my mom and some great family friends. 
My food consumption remains a non-issue.  With the running around of the morning, I was able to choke down a caramel frappe from McDonalds, which is like candy flavored liquid crack (sorry Whitney, caramel flavored crack is not whack).  I had no problem turning down the heavily frosted cake offered at horse races, although I'm not going to lie about my inability to turn down adult beverages.  Thankfully said beverages are no where near my prohibitive 21 day challenge list, and I'm going to continue to take what I can.  I was able to buy a $10 Elks Lodge glass and with that I got unlimited Pabst Blue Ribbons ~ honestly people, you can't turn down a deal like that.

Saturday Stats:
Food: Two of each of the following: baby swiss cheez-its, pepper jack cheez-its ~ my grocery store was selling boxes of three different flavors of cheez-it snack packs for a dollar & this little box of gems came in extremely handy at extra long tournament with my toddler, spicy crab rolls, mashed potatoes, corn, salad, dinner roll, approximately six PBRs (I'm not nailing myself down to a precise number), one diet coke.
Movement: Running around after my toddler in large gymnasium, playing hide and seek with same toddler, pushing stroller at fast clips to contain squirrelly toddler, riding horses, lifting never-empty new lodge glass, watching Adam Levine on Saturday Night Live

1 comment:

  1. OMG, you kill me! Good night for ya! Sounds like a hoot!
    P/S Did I just write hoot? ;)
