Wednesday, February 22, 2012

In the beginning...(day one)

Last night I went to bed absolutely giddy with plans for my life as a penitent.  Two hours later, I was still wide awake with that stupid  J.Lo song 'On the Floor' running incessantly through my head.  The more I begged my brain to cease and desist with the hook from that played-out jam, the more it amped itself up until I found myself able to think of nothing but J. Lo's ass.  It occurred to me at about two a.m. that perhaps I am coveting her ass and therefore am doomed to hear said song until I obtain a J. Lo like ass, or get a really good pair of supportive underpants. I feel super pleased the lady below doesn't have a hit song out, because I don't trust what conclusions could be drawn regardless of time of day.

After about three and half minutes of really good sleep, my alarm clock went off, and yet another day of glory began.  When I mentioned to my daughter on her way to school that she was probably going to go to church today, she replied, "Church is boring.  Do you know what you're allowed to do there?  Sit. Be quiet.  That's it, you don't know what it's like mom".  I felt proud somehow that she came to this conclusion on her own at the age of five.  At five I was still excited to go to church with my grandparents, although I'm willing to admit that it might have been the post-Church visit to Sizzler that enticed me most of all.

The day went smoothly enough, and I found it fairly easy to sail through the day without being tempted to eat meat (sorry Jay) or anything from the list of stuff that are no-no's on the 21 day challenge.  I  got my kids Wendy's for dinner and snagged a handful of fries from my youngest, thinking fries were not on 'the list'.  It wasn't until later that I realized that the fries were indeed fast food & most definitely listed as verboten.  This leaves me with a conundrum.  Do I count today as a successful day one, OR do I begin again tomorrow?  I haven't decided yet, and I'll see what tomorrow brings; there's no way those mealy-mouthed bastards are getting fries again tomorrow.  I suspect I won't count today as a success on the challenge as I'll wind up feeling guilty about it, which will bring up a whole other mess of issues.  In case you haven't been paying attention, I have plenty of issues on my plate for the time being.

Ash Wednesday Stats:
Food:  Kashi Almond/Mocha bar, grape tomatoes, hummus, crackers, dates, cheese, 1/2 my total body weight in diet coke, handful of fries 
Movement:  Walking briskly around large school building with writing utensil and important looking index cards in hand, ~ I truly believe if you have the right accessories and a sense of purpose you can walk around any institution~ chasing toddler around, pumping gas

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