Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Creative Rest (day 7)

So my favorite "feels like cheating snack" turns out to be "actual cheating snack".  DAMN-IT!  After my friend suggested yesterday that my beloved Kashi granola bars are just a shade above being a candy bar, I gave it a good long thought.  Turns out mocha is code for chocolate, and chocolate is the NUMBER ONE prohibition on the 21 day challenge.  DAMN-IT!  Did I know already that mocha was code for chocolate, of course I did ~ how could I not, what with mocha flavor being added to every frigging beverage under the sun anymore?  I've been to Starbucks for christsakes.  Obviously, I wasn't thinking.  And, obviously the whole point of the 21 day challenge would be thinking about what your eating.  I just was trying to eat what I usually eat for breakfast without any muss or fuss.  Instead of celebrating the fact that 1/3 of my challenge has been completed with virtually no problems, I spent the day stressing out about cheating nearly the entire week.  I'm not going to lie, the thought of starting all over again at day one, makes me want to cry.  I am willing to no longer partake in Kashi bars, or at least ones using trick words to make you forget that you're actually eating chocolate.  Damn marketing wizards.  In fact, I did not have a Kashi bar today and I've made it through with minimal tremors and frothing at the mouth.

I spoke to my dearest friend, who got me wrapped up in this prohibition to begin with.  We have decided, as a team, that I am to continue with the next two weeks sans Kashi bars and when the three weeks comes to an end, consider adding a few days at the end to save myself from debilitating guilt.  Then we talked about shoes we were going to buy in the very near future, and a trip to DSW to shop together ~ you know across the country-on the phone shop together.  Everyone needs a friend like this: I'm not exaggerating!

Day of Rest Stats:
Food: Nuts and raisins trail mix, black beans and rice, blarney castle cheese, naan, hummus, carrots, olives with feta cheese, green tea, iced-coffee
Movement: Chasing down special education teachers to optimize testing environments for students with challenges, walking up and down many flights of stairs in SPED teacher chase, walking up ramp to get in school building as stairs are under renovation, pressing print time six or seven dozen times

1 comment:

  1. You and Lisa make a good team! Keep up the good work and don't fret over those damn Kashi bastards!
