Wednesday, February 29, 2012

How Much for One Rib? (Day 8)

Today I signed the official paperwork stating that I will no longer be in my current job.  Incidentally, this is termed a RIB (reduced in building).  There was some minor twitterpation over signing of official documents (not outwardly!), but it didn't last very long because I spent the rest of the day giggling over the following: 
One cannot take too seriously a process that is called RIB, and so I refuse to.  Good things are a coming, I can feel it; March is going to be huge (that's what March's girlfriend said).

RIB day stats:
Food: Egg and cheese breakfast burrito, cantaloupe, pineapple, grapes, nutmeat, baked potato with salsa, dates, cheese, green tea
Movement: Heavy duty photocopying of schedules and testing regulations, walking around in sunshine at lunch hour, lifting 27 lb. baby in and out of car, wandering aimlessly around grocery store trying to figure out what to feed my family

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