Wednesday, April 4, 2012

In other words...(day 42)

In an attempt to class up my act, I am attempting to class up my language a little.  Not really. But I like a good, and utterly useless project and this whole having a mental breakdown isn't working out quite the way I anticipated. So, finding new ways to say curses is up to bat in terms of occupying my mental time and energy.  Yes, I'm admitting that I need a checkup from the neckup, and yes I am admitting that I am going to devote some time to coming up with clever curse words.  Not that long ago, I dedicated some time to making dioramas (out of peeps), making lists of songs I like and considering a haircut.  Some people have reality T.V., I have self-directed bouts of going nowhere creative therapy.  As of yet, I haven't gotten very far but here's what I have:

Douchay - Being a huge fan of calling people/inanimate objects douches, I feel changing the end sound of the word really classes it up quite a bit.  This is not unlike calling Target Tarjay, so you can pretend like you've gone to a French superstore.   
Suggested use: That guy is sleeping with his baby mama's sister.  What a douchay.

Sugarbeets - One of the women I work with says this instead of saying sh**.  Out of her girl next store, midwestern mouth, it is sweet and wholesome.  I am neither sweet, wholesome or midwestern, so this probably won't work out for me.
Suggested use: Oh sugarbeets Beav, I forgot your sack lunch on the counter again.

Fracking - They talk about this on MSNBC a lot.  I'm not entirely sure what it is actually referring to, but I sure do like the sound of it.   
Suggested use: Shut off fracking MSNBC already, and stop pretending you have knowledge of relevant topics.

Filarious - This is more of a compound word.  F**cking  + Hilarious.  Use is easy as people may not catch the 'f' sound at the beginning, or may think I have a speech impediment (I'm totally okay with that).
Suggested use: I watched The Hangover last night, filarious!

Yeah, that's all I've got for now.  So, I open it up to you dear reader.  What fake curse words are you using?  Not a curser?  What fake word words are you using?

Tewesday stats:
Food: Honey wheat pretzels, grilled cheese, noodle soup
Movement: Hauling carts full of boxes in and out of closets, labeling test booklets, pacing hallways during indoor recess, 12 oz curls of diet pepsi, racing children to and from tae kwan do, biting my tongue

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