Tuesday, April 3, 2012

I just threw up in my mouth...(day 41)

Sometime late Sunday night I developed a serious case of a stomach virus or food poisoning, or a case of the evil inside of me dying to get out.  Whatever it was, it was awful and I spent Sunday night/morning and all day Monday lying around drinking gatorade.  I felt as if someone had beat me with a bag of hammers quick while I wasn't looking and that my mouth had become a litter box.  It was not good.  On the bright side, when you can finally walk upright and get out of your robe after a stomach virus, your pants always fit a little looser.  Keep on the sunny side.

Shortly before becoming violently ill, I received an email informing me that I had an interview for one of the positions I applied for in my school district.  I was very excited, but also feeling kind of funky.  My husband took my initial complaints of feeling vomitty for nerves.  Bless his heart (isn't this what everyone says when they don't want to tell someone they're being as dumb as a box of hair?).  

Sick day stats:
Food: Gatorade, honey wheat pretzels
Movement: Lying in prone position in bed and on couch, watching Jake Gyllenhall movie (just because I was sick doesn't mean I can't enjoy a little eye-candy)

1 comment:

  1. Under "movement"-dont forget all the ab work that comes with vomiting!
