Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Cheers to the freakin' weekend...(days 39 & 40)

Okay, in an effort to remain stress free, I went and had myself a lovely, lovely weekend.  The whole fam-damily went to a birthday party where there were lots of kids for the lovelies to play with, the sun was shining and there was cold beer and good company!  It was at this very party that I discovered a newfound love ~ BudLight with Lime.  Not only am I classy, but I continue to remain scurvy free.
I also helped my mother clean out the back room in her basement.  I was a little bit dreading this task, however it was a nice, albeit dusty, walk down memory lane.  We had a few tears, many laughs and all in all were very accomplished. If you want to laugh your ass off, or are feeling blue, you should totally take out whatever love letters you have laying around from when you were in high school ~ instant mood booster.

To cap off a lovely spring break, we took the kids out to dinner and went and had some ice cream and a trip to Target.  Target is a place of magic for small children, and much cheaper than a trip to Disney.
April Fool's Stats:
Food: Pasta Salad, chips and onion dip (does this every go out of fashion ~ I think not), veggies, a few bites of birthday cake, beer, eggs and tortilla, shrimp fajitas, coconut ice-cream
Movement: Pounding beers in sunshine, watching children have fun, moving large and heavy garbage bags around basement, belly laughing

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