Friday, April 6, 2012

Working in a coal mine...(day 44)

As the end of the school year draws nearer (a mere seven weeks away) I can't help but wonder where I will find myself in terms of employment.  I've given it a lot of thought and following are some considerations of mine:
Liberty Tax Sign Spinner:  I can't help but notice these highly motivated, extremely friendly folks as I drive home from work each dayThis seems like it might be a perfect fit for me.  I'd get to be outside, get good exercise and be the people person that I clearly am. It also appears to be seasonal, so I'd probably still get summers off.

Dispatcher ~ Truly any dispatch job would be okay, but I think I'd really like to be a taxi cab dispatcher.  You know, like Danny Devito on Taxi?  I like to talk on the phone, I like to boss people and make them hurry up, the hours are probably flexible, and I think sitting in a cage might be a metaphor for being highly regarded in society.

Vodka Taste Tester ~ These days there are just so many flavors and flavor combinations for my favorite potato distilled elixir.  While I could take or leave many of them, I think I would be just the person for trying them all out.  I have a sincere love of the product and it's end results,  and I have many years of experience already in this arena.  I would think this job would also allow me to work from home.
Professional Mentor:  Like George Costanza, I could use a protege.  Having been a classroom teacher, imparting knowledge comes easily to me, I have lots of errands and mundane tasks to hand off to some unsuspecting asshole a knowledge seeker, and I really wouldn't mind a little respect, admiration and prestige.
Maundy Thursday Stats:
Food: Apple, peanut butter, jellybeans, garlic knots, pasta
Movement: Walking upright, moving boxes, laundering, laughing, to and fro tae kwan do, mopping up floor after toddler bath,

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