Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Sweet Home Assabama...

Ah, the daily news (Yahoo, Facebook, Twitter, and Msnbc) provides one with much fodder, does it not?  If one is not careful, one could become filled with rage and start feeling stabby about the fidiots (fidiot=contraction=fucking idiots) who are floating around out there in the universe and on the inter webs.  Anyhoo, today my gratitude is extended to not being a teacher in Texas, Virginia or Tennessee.
Did ya know that Texas, Virginia and Tennessee are giving consideration to arming teachers?  I've been a teacher for my entire adult life and have never even considered packing a gat when going to work - packing a sandwich, or a yogurt, yes.  A firearm?  No.  The fact that I am allowed to hang out with other people's children all day is a questionable choice as it is.  Not because I'm a bad person, but I have questionable morals, find the most inappropriate things funny, and often curse.  True story.  Despite all this, in front of children, I manage to maintain an air of civility and professionalism (coupled with a true belief in their abilities, education and a love of learning) and this has worked out for me.    However, arming a person who lacks the ability to make a pot of coffee might not be wise.  If I wanted to be armed for a living, I would've become a police officer, or a revolutionary in South America - like Che Guevara, but without a motorcycle and just a little less facial hair.
It's like looking in a mirror people

Next proposal might be to make cops into teachers.  That way there's double the people who are doing things that are completely inappropriate.  I gotta tell you, I don't know any teacher that wouldn't stand in the way of their students and harms way, however, arming people who spend all day with other people's children might not be the best laid out plan.

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