Sunday, December 16, 2012

Snips and Snails and Puppy Dog Tails...

Have you met my crazy baby?  Goes by the name of Asher?  Today I'm thankful for his unflagging joy and laughter ringing throughout the house.  He's nucking futs, this kid.

Example: Today he rode a cardboard box made to look like a car down the stairs all the while making vroom vroom noises.  When he hit bottom, he laughed maniacally.  He was naked. Except for the box.
Example: He sings all day long.  Mostly made up songs.  Most recent is a little diddy we call 'Zinga' because that's what he chants to a nameless tune for hours.  Hours.  He is also a fan of singing: "I see your heiney, all white and shiny, if you don't hide it, I'm gonna bite it".  When singing, he is naked.

Example: He jumps on everything.  Couches, tables, cats, dogs.  First he counts "one, two, eight, GO". Nothing is safe.  While jumping, he is naked.

Example: He loves Dora the Explorer and asks to watch at least every 30 seconds throughout a day.  He is particularly fond of Benny the Bull.  Asher answers Dora in only Spanish (perfect pronunciation).  He watches naked.

Example: He gives bear hugs & growls while he's doing it.  Also, he says "I love you too" even if you didn't say it first.  Of course, he's naked.

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