Monday, December 24, 2012

Bobby the ARC Angel...

Today, Christmas Eve, started off uneventfully.  I went to the mall as soon as it opened as I am a masochist.  Remarkably, I got what I needed, and a few things I didn't and made a hasty exit.  It was not crowded and everyone there seemed full of good cheer.  I was astounded.

I decided to ride this good tiding out and get another cup of coffee from my favorite gas station and stop in at the ARC Thrift Store by my house.  I live on the border of a fancy neighborhood and have been told that the ARC by my house has all kinds of goodies - biggest dick in China people.

Anyway, I found two really nice sweater dresses and made my way to the counter to pay.  While checking out, the clerk asked me if I wanted to donate a little more to their cause.  I said, 'sure, why not', she rang me up and then asked if I wanted to fill out a paper angel to show that I had donated.   I said 'no, thank you' and she called Bobby over.  Bobby is a young, developmentally disabled boy who works at this particular store.  The clerk said 'Bobby, you got another one' and he bounded over to her register with a smile in every ounce of his being.  He was so excited to fill out the paper angel in my stead and wished me a Merry Christmas loudly and with meaning.  I wished him the same and he said 'oh Happy New Year too'.  I gotta tell you, it took every fiber of my being not to cry right there on the spot.  I scored two dresses for twenty bucks, but damn, I scored so much more.  Bobby embodied everything beautiful there is about this season and gives me hope that we're gonna be okay after all.  Merry Christmas Bobby ~ today I am ever so grateful for you and your beautiful soul that shines out with a light that cannot be diminished.


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