Monday, December 3, 2012

He Ain't Heavy, He's My Brother...

Today I am thankful for my brother, because obviously.  I've got just the one you see and he is eight years younger than me.  Due to this unfortunate circumstance (for him), I've spent nearly thirty two years bossing him about and telling him ridiculous things all without him batting an eye or even raising his voice at me.  Mostly he just laughs at me, or with me, and he genuinely seems to appreciate me for all the asshatted glory that is Kell.

Recent exchanges between me and my brother:

Me: I'd rather get a gynelogical exam at McDonald's with a spork than go to that party
Jack: Ha!  I forgot about sporks.  Right?

Me: We'll totally fit all these Costco items in my matchbox car, not to worry
Jack: I don't think that's going to work
Me: Well it's a shame I have to leave you here so I can bring my groceries home

Jack: After hitting head on the doorframe - Why'd you have to bring this car
Me: Laughing
Jack: I feel like I'm doing crunches in this car
Me: It's a healthride.  You're welcome

Me: I think if I were to buy you that shirt that CeeLo wears in the muppet video you would rock that shit.  I'm gonna look into getting that for you for Christmas
Jack: I like the Muppets
He would totally rock this shit
Jack: Are you still doing that vegetarian shit?
Me: Yes, I just gag otherwise
Jack: You're ridiculous, I just had an awesome surf and turf at my house the other night
Me: You didn't witness the massacre in my refrigerator

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