Sunday, May 6, 2012

Hello! Is there anbody in there? Just nod if you can hear me...

It's been nearly a month since I logged off of my 40 (plus) day challenge ~ lenten observances and 21 day challenges having been completed.  It's been a long and arduous month for me fraught with mishaps and improbabilities as I realize much of my life is.  I've learned quite a bit about myself in just this one month, which I decided to share with you, my dear readers(s).  So here goes:

1. Having returned to meat eating, I realize that meat eating is an obstacle to my general feeling of well being.  Not to say that I have forgone it completely, just that I've learned that I feel better when I don't partake.
2.  I am in the middle of having an existential crisis  & I suck at it.  Having crises is not in my genetic makeup and yet I continue to subject myself to periods of manic positivity and downright sobbing (all in one day) continuously.
3. In the words of Lloyd Dobler, I continue to look for a 'dare to be great situation'
4. I find solace, comfort and sheer joy in music.
5. Being with my children brings me peace.
6. Feeling sorry for myself pisses me off (but I still do it some).
7. I REALLY like painting my nails.
8. In a hot minute I can return to the girl from Queens especially when confronted with very large, belligerent women in a McDonald's drive through line.
9. Laughter is my best medicine (vicodin doesn't hurt though)
10. I actually enjoy doing quadratic equations and factoring (WTF, really?)
11.  My husband is some kind of wonderful
12. I am who I've always been.

This list should not be considered exhaustive - in fact I'm still figuring out how to work taking xanax into the mix, and how to drink wine during the work day.  All things considered, I feel like me with a dash more introspection.  My next project will be to spend forty days cleaning house - literally and figuratively.  This will be accomplished by shedding my spaces of unnecessary clutter.  I started with the backyard and threw away like 6 large, black garbage bags of stuff - what that stuff was I could hardly recount (it involved wet sand and dog poop; I've already said too much).  By the by, throwing away a garbage can is harder than it would seem.  So here I go again, 40 days of physical cleansing to help with mental cleansing (otherwise know as faking it til I make it).

1 comment:

  1. Awesome list. You're a master at combining the existential with the ridiculous--well done.
