Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Signs, signs, everywhere there's signs...

My cousin Brian once yelled at me in a bar for using his change to play the Tesla version of this song.  I don't blame him especially because the original released in 1971 was significantly better, not necessarily good, just better.  No matter.  I have had some signs of late and am unsure how to interpret them.  

While not the first time that I've been attacked by wildlife (see 2003 OWL Attack - where a TRAINED owl flew into my head at the Denver Zoo), I was recently attacked, that's right attacked, by chipmunks in Steamboat Springs, Colorado.  One would think that having a snack of water and cashews would be a un-punishable offense in the great state of Colorado, but one would be dead wrong.  Think for a moment what you know about chipmunks, go ahead, I'll give you a minute.
I want you to erase what you know about cute, little, innocuous chipmunks because them sonsabitches will attack you for the mere mention of a nut.  They will climb uponst your person, chew through your backpack and chase you into hot spring waters for relief.  I've said too much already.

Then, there was the running out of gas in between two towns that were 60 miles apart.  If not for the kindness of strangers - we'd still be out there, and I would have finished the whole miserable book I was reading about Frank Lloyd Wright.  I played lotto after that save.  As it is, I just finished the book and still haven't won the lotto.

And then, I made a huge pot of sauce with sausage and meatballs for my children when they returned home from a ten day stint in Tennessee. This is not really worrisome, nor really worthy of mention, but I didn't have three things that were noteworthy and considered signs- try as I might.  Actually I did, but due to a combo of atavan and wine, I can't recall what they were.  I did have a few weird dreams, one involving a Brita filter that housed goldfish. But I don't think I should say more about that as it probably says more about my subconcious and less about the world of absurdity that I live in.  Or does it?

Update: I remembered what the other signs were!!  After our narrow escape from bold chipmunks, my husband and I went to a small Italian restaurant that was crowded and forced us to sit at the bar while we waited for a table.  While there we met a guy from Ohio ~ my husband is from there and we always meet a guy from Ohio, which says something about Ohio if you ask me.  Also, the bartender was able to dig up a bottle of our favorite wine to enjoy - literally dig up, as there didn't seem to be any around and it was a mini bottle.  Also, also, we watched a giant of a man crush another man on UFC fighting, which incidentally the guy from Ohio had a brother who was a UFC fighter.  I understand that it's all too much to take in, but something is afoot I tell ya.

Food: Hummus, olives, eggs, cheese - this is pretty much all I eat since I've given up meat and cleaned out the fridge.  I feel good, but not as good as when I snagged a few bites of waffle off of toddler's plate that was loaded with butter, syrup and confectioners sugar.
Movement: I CANNOT be stopped.

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