Sunday, September 30, 2012

I got a head full of ideas that are driving me insane...

I used to live with these two guys, one who was home a lot more often than the other.  After having me as a roommate for approximately three weeks, the stay at home guy (read: unemployed, video game playing for 15 hours a day guy) told me I was limited to three questions a day.  As it turns out, I ask a lot of questions, which could be considered extremely charming, or mind numbingly exhausting ~ think of a 3 year old who has recently learned the word 'why'.  His request didn't make me stop asking questions, it just made me more strategic about putting as many questions into one single phrase at a time.  

Having spent the past few days with regular football refs back on the job, I have the following questions ~ please note there may be more than three:

1. Before their lockout, didn't everyone hate the regular ref's too?
2. Why was this the one union that Romney/Paul were interested in getting back to work?
3. Anyone realize that Verizon workers were without a contract for almost a year?  You know those guys that went in after 9-11 to do clean up and get communications up and running & many of whom are suffering from lung issues now?  
4. Anyone able to tell me why I saw not one mention of the Chicago teacher's union strike on social media, but an endless litany about the poor calls made by the scab refs?

5. Do people honestly believe that unions are out for just themselves?  Or that teachers, cops and firemen are in it for the money and not the ability to help out their communities?
6. Does anyone else hate football as much as I do?

Friday, September 28, 2012

OTB - Off track

Off track.  I am seriously and profoundly off track.  My spring goal of making attainable, measurable goals every forty days has been derailed for a number of reasons:

1. I am lazy
2. Summer is much longer than forty days, and truly more than I can manage.  If you give me too much time to accomplish things, I accomplish nothing.  I started off the summer having made some serious gains vis a vis my home organization, but then things, more specifically me, got in my own way.
3. I started a new job.
4. I spent an exorbitant amount of time considering hair and nail styling options on Pinterest.

So here I go again (on my own, going down the only road I've ever known...).  Fall started last week and now we are full swing into the school year, so my bullshit excuses must stop here.  I'll still be lazy, but that's always been my cross to bear.  Forty days, what can a gal like me accomplish in forty days?  Well, quite a bit as it turns out.  Like most recently, I have learned to generate a cat meme, made up a song about the cat we've been babysitting for a year and fashioned a kitchen organizer/calendar thingy.

It's a work in progress people
Mine looks just like this except with green folders
The next forty days promise to be as exciting as all get out.  If the past forty days have been any indication, you're going to need to change your underpants after fully experiencing my day to day awesomeness.

Incidentally, it's forty days away from election day ~ 39 days actually, but close enough for government work.  See how I did that?  Pun intended!  I'll be continuing my all important work on my home organization, as well as ranting and raving in general; ranting and raving is probably my true calling but I'm going to ride this teaching thing out for a little while longer.  For finding time in your very busy day to read my musings, I leave you the following gift....

 Please Note: The opinions expressed in the above video do not reflect the position of the author.

My name is Kellianne Rothwell and I approve this blog...