Thursday, August 23, 2012

Don't punish me with brutality....

Top 10 Reasons You Are Not Allowed to Make Decisions About my Vagina:

1. You don't have one
2. You didn't buy me dinner, or at the very least pull my hair
3. You think the female reproductive system has a magical off switch
4. You don't understand the difference between tampons and maxi-pads and why wings might be necessary
5. You are nicknamed Governor Ultrasound
6. You have not fought the battle of pubic hair over bathing suit and lost
7. You are riding a moral high horse hiding behind the mask of Christianity
8. Your ideals disenfranchise the weakest among us
9. When you hear the word discharge, you think of a gun
10. You have never carried life in your body and known the full weight of fear and wonder that surround all the decisions that you make from the moment you see the pink plus sign on the stick

I don't usually talk about politically charged topics on my blog, but this week I couldn't help myself after noticing how many people on my Facebook page like Mitt Romney and, heart-breakingly, how many of them were WOMEN.  You know, my contemporaries.  I know I show my naivete in assuming that most people hold true what I hold true.   If I knew nothing else about what Romney and Ryan are up to (tax evasion, tax breaks for the extremely wealthy, union busting, breakdown of Medicare, etc.) knowing their stance on women's health issues would be enough to send me screaming in the other direction.  

So ladies... REALLY?  REALLY?

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